Condition: New
System Requirements:. Windows PC. Pentium III / AMD Athlon 600 processor or better . Windows 2000 / XP. 64MB free RAM. VST 2.0 compatible host software that supports virtual instruments (e.g., Cubase VST 5.0 or higher, Cubase SX/SL, Nuendo 1.5 or higher) . PC equipped according to the specifications of the VST host software . Macintosh Hardware. Macintosh with 400 MHz G4 PowerPC processor or better . Mac OS X 10.3.9 or newer. 128 MB free RAM or . Macintosh with 1.5 GHz Intel CoreSolo processor or better . Mac OS X 10.4 or newer. 128 MB free RAM. Macintosh Software. VST 2.0 compatible host application that supports virtual instruments (e.g., Cubase SX/SL, Nuendo 1.5 or higher). AudioUnit 2.0 compatible host application that supports AudioUnit Instruments (e.g., Apple Logic or GarageBand) . Macintosh equipped according to the specifications of the host software..
Waldorf Waldorf Edition Soft-Synth SuperPak Standard