Access Virus TI v2 Desktop Total Integration Synthesizer Standard
Enclosure:. Sleek, charcoal-gray finish. Red and white LEDs. White display. Wood rail on front. I/O panel can be rotated for convenient rack-mounting. Oscillators:. 3 main oscillators and one sub oscillator per voice. A main oscillator can comprise of various oscillator types including the classic virtual analog oscillators (saw, variable pulse, sine, triangle, 62 spectral waves with several FM modes) and hypersaw (a multi saw-tooth oscillator with up to 9 stacked oscillators, 9 sub-oscillators and sync oscillator at the same time). Wavetable oscillators with 100 multi-index wavetables, feature variable resolution and optional pulse-width modulation. Graintable oscillators apply granular synthesis techniques for independent control of pitch and formants to warp a waveform beyond recognition. Formant oscillators sound like running a signal through a massive, modulatable filter bank with hundreds of resonant bands being morphed by the wavetable index. Filters:. Two fully ind
Access Virus TI v2 Desktop Total Integration Synthesizer Standard