Next week sees the start of our mini-festival at Kings Place, Baroque. Contrasted.
We kick off on 6 April with 5 days of concerts, talks, demonstrations and two chances to join the OAE. Most of the composers we’ll be featuring should be pretty familiar- Vivaldi, Purcell, Bach- but we’re also showcasing some of the lesser-known but equally brilliant artists of the time.
Ahead of the opening night, we thought we’d give you a bit of daily trivia on some of these mysterious musicians…
Gottfried Finger (1660-1730) left London in a hurry in 1701 after allegedly being
unjustly passed over for a composition prize. He financed his departure with the sale of a set of trio sonatas, of which Op 5 No.10 (which we play on 7 April) is unusually scored for recorder, cello (or bassoon) and continuo.
Alessandro Stradella (1639-1682) was murdered in Genoa just months after penning the wedding cantata Il Barcheggio, probably after an unwitting controversy over a woman (who preferred him to another man – the likely murderer).
Dario Castello (1590-?) has no biographical information at all; even his birth and death dates are unknown, although it is thought he may have died during the great plague of 1630. He was probably associated with St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice, where Claudio Monteverdi was maestro di capella.
For more info on the festival, including a free flippable brochure and details of how to book, visit
Next time…find out why composer Merula got into trouble…