Are you familiar with a company called AweSome Musical Instruments? They make an assortment of killer products to mod your favorite guitars and basses and in particular, I am very fond of this AMAZING controls mod for the Fender Jazz bass called the JCP-T2 Pickup Tone Multiplier Board Hyper-Mod that they gave us to review! We just reviewed the mod and installed it on a brand spankin’ new Olympic White Fender Classic 60′s Vibe Jazz Bass and it ROCKS!!! Now that the review is complete, it can be all yours. You can enter our contest to WIN IT!

If you’re interested in reading the review you can CHECK IT OUT HERE.
Please by forewarned, this bass BLEW OUR MINDS! The Fender Vibe is truly an unbelievable bass for the price and the controls mod actually DOUBLES THE ANALOG TONES that you would get with the stock setup. We are giving this modded bass away to one random person. Enter now for your chance to score this BAD ASS bass package, which includes a brand new Olympic White Fender Classic Vibe 60s Jazz Bass, an AweSome Musical Instruments’ Jazz Hyper-Mod (pre-installed) and a brand new Road Runner soft case. ENTER HERE!
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