This Renown Euro 4-piece Shell Pack is designed to deliver top-class performance for drummers at any playing level, from night clubs to arenas.
Built with many of the features of Gretsch’s top-end USA-made drums, this Renown Euro 4-piece shell pack delivers exceptional quality, stunning looks, and the signature sound that drummers are looking for in a Gretsch drum set.
100% rock maple shells engineered with 30 degree bearing edges provide round, warm, musical tone. Die-cast top and bottom hoops deliver quick attack and easy, accurate tuning. Characteristic Gretsch Silver Sealer interiors and Evans batter heads add the finishing touches to a set that’s extremely versatile, and is at home in any musical environment.
Cymbals not included. Includes tom holder; no other hardware
List Price: 1579.0
Price: 1579.00